
The Role Of Pastry Section At Sahid Jaya Solo

Oleh :
Nurul Badriyah - C9307064 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT Nurul Badriyah, 2011,“The Role of Pastry Section at Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel”, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. Hotel is one of the important roles in the tourism industry. A Hotel has many departments for its operational activities; one of them is Food and Beverage Department. Pastry section is a section of the Food and Beverage Department in Hotel. This report is based on the experience during the job training as a trainee in pastry section at Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel for three months, January 18th, 2010 to April 18th, 2010. This final project report describes the Pastry section in general, such as the job description, the product produced by the pastry section, the role of pastry section at Sahid Jaya Solo Hotel with other division and the solution of problem by the pastry section. Hopefully, this final project report will be beneficial for the Hotel to increase their quality in product and service. For the reader, it is beneficial to enrich their knowledge about pastry. The jobs of a trainee in Pastry section are helping the pastry cooks, keeping the cleanliness of pastry area, and preparing the product for coffee break. Pastry section makes many kinds of bread for breakfast everyday, such as sweetbread, croissant, danish and white bread. The Roles of Pastry section are for making and preparing cake, bread, snack and dessert. The Pastry section is also suggested to make more creations for its products, so the guests are interested in tasting the pastry product.