
Teaching Descriptive Text for Grade Seven in SMP N 1 Jaten, Karanganyar

Oleh :
Chaterina Prasetyaningrum - C9307111 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report is written based on the job training which I have done in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. This final report discusses about the objectives of English teaching and learning process of Descriptive Text in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. There are three objectives in this final project report. The first is to report the English teaching and learning process of the grade seven students in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. Second is to describe the teaching process of descriptive text for grade seven in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. Third is to describe the difficulties in teaching descriptive text for grade seven in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. The subject of this final report was the grade seven students. They were chosen because they were not the beginners in English lesson. The English teaching and learning activities consist of four parts: building knowledge of the field, modeling of the text, joint construction of text, and individual construction of text. I get three points in the conclusion according to the job training that has been done in SMPN I Jaten, Karanganyar. The first point is the English teaching and learning process of descriptive text for grade seven students in SMPN I Jaten. The first process is explaining the definition of description and descriptive text. Second is explaining the adjective words in the descriptive text. Third is giving the formula of “to be”, and “to have”. The last process is asking the students to do some exercises about descriptive text. The second point is the problems in teaching descriptive text for grade seven. The problems are the large number of the students, the habit of “Silent Studying” in the school, the limited understanding in teaching English, and the problem of practicing English to the students. The last point is the ways to solve the problems in teaching descriptive text for grade seven. The solution are making some groups in the large number of students, making some creations in English teaching process, giving some vocabulary notes related to the topic lesson, and starting to speak English with a simple form.