
Teaching vocabulary to the 3rd grade students of SDN 5 Ngringo

Oleh :
Dewi Puspita Sari - C9307030 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This report was written based on the job training which had been done in SD N 5 Ngringo within three months. The writer took a class, the 3rd grade, as the subject to be observed. The students had not been given English subject yet so the writer has a chance to introduce English. The objectives of this repot were: To explain the ways of teaching vocabulary in SDN 5 Ngringo especially in the 3rd grade, and To explain the result of the students after getting English lesson. The method used by the writer was direct method. In giving the lesson to the students, the writer showed the students the real things, pictures and flashcard. While the writer holds up the pictures, the students repeated the writer’s words. This method was considered as the appropriate method because it emphasized repetition in teaching language activities. Therefore, repetition could give the students a chance to say the new language immediately. In conclusion, the students were eager to study English because the writer taught English in attractive way. Finally, half of the students could mention the vocabularies given before. But, the students must be corrected if they made mistakes.