
Analisis pengaruh faktor produk, harga, kualitas, dan lokasi, terhadap perilaku keputusan pembelian konsumen batik (studi kasus pada Pasar Tradisional Klewer Surakarta)

Oleh :
Purwoko Priyo Sembodo - F1207574 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Research is being conducted this research on consumer, particularly in making purchasing decisions in Pasar Klewer Batik Surakarta, where the external factors that are used in this research, product, price, location and quality of decision making batik by consumers who are in Surakarta, Pasar Klewer. The purpose of this research is to know is there any significant effect partially between variables Product, Price, Quality, and Location with Purchase Decision, while also to find out whether there effects jointly significant and which are the most dominant variable in affecting consumer purchasing decisions of batik in Surakarta, Pasar Klewer. In this study, the method used is the Non-Probability-based methods, which use the sampling purposive sampling technique, ie sampling technique which is done by taking samples from the population based on a certain criteria, the criteria can be based on considerations used (Judgement) specific and quota Specific. The population used in this study are all consumers who had purchased batik, while the sample used was the consumer who has done a good buying decision batik was first purchased, or more than twice the purchase of batik in Pasar Klewer, Solo. The data used by the researchers by distributing questionnaires to the respondents who are in Klewer Market, respondents to the questionnaire response measurements using 5 level Likert scale, while for hypothesis testing, used multiple linear regression analysis and t test, seen from the results of multiple linear regression equation that, variable products , Price, Quality significantly influence the purchase decision, while the location variables (Place) is not significantly influence the purchasing decision