
Kajian Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (PB) dan Tembaga (CU) pada Benih Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) serta Kualitas Air di Satker Pbiat Janti, Klaten

Oleh :
Ikke Irmawati - M0406071 - Fak. MIPA

Water has as one of the most important elements of life. The quality of water can be determined from some parameters including the contents of metal and nonmetal ion in it. The heavy metals such as timbale (Pb) and copper (Cu) on the water will become pollutants that inhibit the growth of living organisms. This research aimed to find the concentrations of Pb and Cu in water, the flesh of nila fish seed and sediment and the water quality based on the parameters of temperature, pH, DO, BOD and COD at waters component in PBIAT Janti, Klaten. Samples were taken in the pool of PBIAT, unit by determining the point of sampling on left, center and right side of the pool. The analysis of Pb and Cu concentrations and water quality were conducted in the laboratory. The result data of temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD, and heavy metal contents in the water were then compared with PPRI No. 82 Th. 2001, the heavy metal contents in the flesh of fish seed were compared with the decree of Dirjen POM No. 03725/B/VII/89 meanwhile heavy metal contents in sediment was compared with the result of Canadian Council of Ministers of The Environment of 1999. Those data were later tested with Anova and if there was significant difference followed with DMRT test at significance level of 5%. The result of research showed that the pool fish seed with length 1-3cm Pb concentration in water (0.022 ppm), flesh (0.236 mg/kg), sediment (3.774 mg/kg), temperature (28.6 °C), pH (7.75), DO (4.57 mg/l) and COD (49.33 mg/l) is still under the quality standard; Cu concentration in water (0.066 ppm), flesh (14.42 mg/kg), sediment (30.82 mg/kg) and BOD (12.57 mg/l) had exceeded the standard quality. In pool fish seed with lenght 4-6cm Pb concentration in flesh (0.153 mg/kg), sediment (3.532 mg/kg), Cu in water (0.010 ppm), sediment (7.602 mg/kg), temperature (28.13 °C), pH (7.41), DO (4.8 mg/l), BOD (4.6 mg/l), COD (12 mg/l) is still under the quality standard; Pb concentration in water (0.075 ppm), and Cu in flesh (28.46 mg/kg) was exceeded the standard quality. That there was significant difference between Pb in water, sediment, flesh of fish seed 1–3 and water, sediment 4–6 and inlet. The highest in sediment 1–3 (3.774 mg/kg) and the lowest in water 1-3 (0.022 ppm) is still under the quality standard and there is significant difference between the Cu in inlet, water, sediment 1–3 and water, flesh of fish seed 4–6. The highest was in the sediment 1–3 (30.82 mg/kg) was exceeded the standard quality and the the lowest in inlet (0.009 ppm) which was still under the standard quality.