Hubungan Antara Kebutuhan Afiliasi Dan Keterbukaan Diri Dengan Intensitas Mengakses Situs Jejaring Sosial Pada Remaja
Oleh :
Desiana Fiskarani Kilamanca - G0106004 - Fak. Kedokteran
The development of information technology increasing fastly, one of them is internet. The benefit of the internet is as a facility of communication that can occur through social networking sites that is currently phenomenal and now many are accessible by all people, generally adolescents. The use of social networking sites is a form of compliance can be associated with a need to establish a relationship with another person who called the need for affiliates and also the desire to share in the form of self disclosure. This study aims to determine the relationship between need for affiliation and self disclosure by the intensity of accessing social networking sites in adolescents. The population in this study were adolescents aged 13-18 years, users of social networking sites with the sampling technique using incidental sampling. Method of data collection using Intensity of Accessing Social Networking Sites Questionnaire, Affiliation Needs Scale and Self-Disclosure Scale. Different index item of Affiliation Needs Scale is 0.297 to 0.669 and reliability 0.805. Different index item Self Disclosure Scale is 0.285 to 0.483 and reliability 0.726. Data were analyzed using Chi Square analysis. The result of data processing obtained correlation coefficient between need for affiliation with intensity of accessing social networking sites is 0,730; p=0,000 (p < 0.05) and correlation coefficient between self-disclosure with intensity of accessing social networking sites is 0,636; p=0,000 (p < 0.05) showed that the hypothesis was accepted. Correlation coefficient on each relationship near to one that indicating the relations between variables is strong enough. The results showed a significant relationship between need for affiliation with the intensity of accessing social networking sites and self-disclosure in adolescents with intensity of accessing social networking sites in adolescents.