
Pembuatan Aplikasi Mobile Asmaul Husna Menggunakan J2ME

Oleh :
Ferdia Ayu Amareta - M3208018 - Fak. MIPA

The technology development on mobile phone has been developed using java 2 micro edition (J2ME) which allow the mobile phone user to create a Java program. This program can be run on mobile phone that is supported by the J2ME platform. Programming language, especially J2ME, is used to build a application on the system which has small storage capacity and memory such as mobile phone. This application was made by NetBeans 6.8 software and Java ME SDK 3.0 as Java Depelopment Kid. According to the data submitted and the examination to this application which had been made, it can be concluded that asmaul husna mobile application with J2ME becomes a media that can give detail information and brings many kinds of religious references related with the name of Allah. This application consists of 99 good name of allah which has been written in Qur’an complited with pronunciation, Indonesia and English translation, and also facilitated with sound and search menu.