

Pengaruh Konseling Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Tentang Perawatan Kaki di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabuh

Oleh :
Vendi Eko Kurniawan - S540809131 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is still a problem serious enough health in Indonesia. Patients with Diabetes Mellitus have a tendency to 5 times easier to get non-diabetic gangrene of the foot and is one part of the body organ that is often attacked by diabetes. Purpose: Find out is there any effect counseling on improving knowledge, attitudes and behavior of Diabetes Mellitus on foot care. Method: This research. is true experimental. The population of this study are 125 persons Diabetes Mellitus in the working area with kabuh Health Center and sampel this study are 60 persons. Sampling was taken with purposive sampling techniques. Data collected by questionnaire using a questionnaire for the knowledge variables and checklist for the attitude and behavior. The result then analyzed using analytical testing t - test performed using SPSS version 17. Result: Based the analysis indicate that counseling with a significant increase in the value of knowledge t = 78.89, t = 71 001 attitudes, and behavior with t = 42 809 significance value of p = 0.000. Conclusion: This effect of counseling to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of people with Diabetes Mellitus foot care. It is recommended to the Public Health Service Jombang Regency to use such approaches counseling for behavioral changes that can be obtained expected to reduce the complications of gangrene. Keywords: counseling, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and chiropody