
Uji sitotoksik isolat aktif dari ekstrak kloroform rumput mutiara (hedyotis corymbosa (l.) lamk.) terhadap sel hela dan siha

Oleh :
Fina Ernawati - M0406028 - Fak. MIPA

Cancer is the most dangerous disease cause of the great death in the world after cardiovascular disease. In the Indonesian, cervical cancer is the first cancer cause of women’s death. The patient use alternative away like rumput mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lamk.) as anticancer plant. Based on the previous research, there were six isolates from chloroform extract rumput mutiara. Two of them are isolate 4 and 5 for active isolate based on toxicity test with Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BST), with values of LC50-24 hours 55.87 μg/ml and 47.76 μg/ml. It indicated that further analysis should be done about isolate’s potensial as anticancer compounds. Cytotoxic assay done with MTT method to HeLa and SiHa cells. The assay done to get values of IC50-24 hours isolate 4 and 5. The values of IC50-24 hours is the values of consentration which obstruct proliferation cell in the amount of 50% and showed potential compounds toxic on the cells. The values of IC50-24 hours <100 μg/ml showed the compounds’s potential as chemoprevention agent. The values of death cell changed to probit score and then convered to equation of linier regression to get IC50-24 hours value. Based on the result of cytotoxic test was get that isolat 4 and 5 untoxic on SiHa cells because IC50-24 hours >1000 μg/ml, as well as isolate 4 on HeLa cell. Isolat 5 had IC50-24 hours = 88.10 μg/ml therefore indicate that further analysis should be done the compounds’s potential as chemoprevention agent. Keyword : Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lamk., cytotoxic assay, MTT, HeLa cell, SiHa cell