
Pastry Section at Sahid Jaya hotel

Oleh :
Cinthia Tri Dianita - C9307112 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This report is based on the job training which has been done by the writer in Pastry Section at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The writer chose pastry section to be a topic in this final project report because there are many interesting things which can be studied from pastry, such as the process of making cake and bread and the process of arrange bread before it is served to the guests. This report has some objectives which will be explained by the writer. The objectives are describing about the responsibilities, the activities, and the pastry products in Pastry Section of Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. This report also describes about the strength and weakness in Pastry Section. Methods which were used by the writer to collect the data in this report were observation and interview. The writer observed about the place, the utensils which were used in making cake process, and about the strength and weakness there. Interview method was used by the writer to collect the data about the responsibilities, the activities, and the pastry products. Pastry Section is a place to make any kinds of cakes, bread, and desert to the guests. This section is smaller than the main kitchen but it has many responsibilities and activities on the day. Pastry Section has a lot of pastry products and each product has many variations. Pastry Section has also strength and weakness side. One of the strength sides such as the taste of food which is produced by Pastry Section is different from others. Beside that, Pastry Section has weakness such as limited worker, inadequate ingredients, and limited utensils.