A Comparative Study of Appraisal in Your Letters Column Exposing The Issue of Infotainment Banning Taken From Www.Thejakartapost.Com (Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach)
Oleh :
Ata Muftihah - C0306018 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research focuses on analyzing two texts exposing the issue of
infotainment banning which employ attitudes in them. This is an interesting issue
to analyze because it raises many opinions, either pro or contra. This research is
aimed to describe the types and forms of attitudes employed in the texts, to
explain how the attitudes influence the whole texts and why they are used in the
This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. It also employs
a comparative study which compares prosody, genre and ideology of two texts.
The sources of data of this research are two texts in Your Letters column in
www.thejakartapost.com entitled “Prohibition of Infotainment?” and “Luna Maya
and Infotainment”. The data are all appraising items in the texts, which can be in
the form of word or phrase, which can be analyzed their attitudes (affect,
judgement, appreciation). Purposive sampling is applied in this research because
not all words or phrases in the texts will be included into the data. The researcher
employs data source triangulation to re-check the data validity. Library technique
and “tehnik simak dan catat” is carried out in collecting the data.
The result of the analysis can be drawn as follows. First, there are 3 types
of attitude; affect, judgement and appreciation. Besides, the appraising items in
the two texts can be classified into 8 forms of attitude, they are epithet, attribute,
circumstance, process-effective, process-middle, modal adjunct, word and phrase.
Text 1 uses more positive attitudes than the negative ones. Meanwhile, text 2 uses
more negative attitudes than the positive ones.
Second, the use of attitudes within the texts influences the prosody or
subjectivity of the writer. The writers of both texts use their own statements in
delivering the opinions through texts. It shows that they are subjective in seeing
the issue of infotainment banning. The use of more positive attitudes in text 1
indicates that the writer challenges the issue. Meanwhile, the use of more negative
attitudes in text 2 indicates that the writer supports the issue.
Third, both writers use attitudes in the texts to show their personal
opinions and affirm their positions or ideologies in seeing the issue of
infotainment banning. The ideology can be known after finding the text genre.
Text 1 employs hortatory exposition and shows left antagonist ideology.
Meanwhile, text 2 employs analytical exposition and shows right protagonist
Finally, it is expected that this research will be useful for the next
researchers who are interested in studying Systemic Functional Linguistics
especially dealing with appraisal analysis.