
Holding events as an effort of the public relations to increase the number of visitors in Balekambang Park

Oleh :
Rahayana Mulia Putri - C9307146 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report was written as a partial fulfillment of requirements for Diploma Degree of English Department, Faculty of letters and fine arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project was written based on the job training done by the writer from 1st February to 28th February at Tourist Information Center and Balekambang Park Surakarta. The objective of this final project report is to describe the role of the public relations in developing Balekambang Park as a tourist attraction in Solo and to explain the events as an effort of the public relations in Balekambang Park. The result of this final project report shows that the Public Relations of Balekambang Park has done the effort to increase the number of visitors. There is no special public relations division at this park but all the staff in this office has the duties and responsibilities as a public relations practitioner. During the existence of this park, many events were held in this park such as Kethoprak, Keroncong festival and Ramayana ballet to introduce Balekambang Park to the local and foreign tourist. It is hoped that by the events conducted the number of visitors in Balekambang Park will increase from day to day. The events held are supported by the Solonese and also the government.