
Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Framework Codeigniter Di SD Negeri Celep 01 Nguter Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Arien Verindra Pradana Ulik - M3108077 - Fak. MIPA

School’s Library is made use by student to search a reference and get information. The problem at this time is a lot of libraries in school do not have information system to sevices. Therefore, it is needed to create an Information System to improve school’s library performance that manual process turned into a computerized system to ease further. The application development was done by data collecting, system planning, system analysis, system design and database development. The application programming was based with framework codeIgniter. The database development used was MySQL and the script was developed by Notepad ++. As result of Finish Task it was developed library information system based on framework codeIgniter at SD Negeri Celep 01 Nguter Sukoharjo, that can work with the ability to manage the data of members, manage the data of books, to serve borrowing and return transactions, searching the availability of books, and create a report. Keywords: library information system, codeIgniter, MySQL