
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehention By Using JIGSAW Technique (A Classroom Action Research at the Second grade of SMP Islamic Boarding School MTA Gemolong in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)

Oleh :
Arin Sukresno - K2203025 -

The objective of this thesis is to improve the students’ reading comprehension through jigsaw technique and to describe what happens when jigsaw technique is applied in the teaching learning process. The problem revealed before this research was the low reading comprehension of the eighth year students of SMP MTA Gemolong. The indicators of the problems are: the students had difficulties in comprehending an English text, they needed a lot of time to understand it, their vocabulary was low, they faced difficulties in finding information from the text, and the students had difficulties in answering questions following the text. The subject of the study is the students of class 8 A of SMP MTA IBS Gemolong in the academic year of 2010/2011. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps: planning, action, observing and reflection. In collecting the data, the researcher used qualitative and quantitative method. In qualitative method, the researcher used observational and non- observational techniques. The observational techniques consist of observations, field notes, and photographs, while non-observational techniques consist of interviews and document. In quantitative method, the data were gotten from the test. The tests were pre-test and post tests. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher analyzed the improvement of teaching learning process by using the steps namely; assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting outcome. The technique of analyzing the quantitative data was a descriptive statistics and non-independent t-test. The researcher analyzed the mean scores of the tests. The improvement of students’ reading comprehension was indicated by the score of the post-test which was higher than the score of the pre-test. The significance of the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension is measured by using t-test Having analyzed the data, the researcher found two improvements. The first is the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension. The mean score of the pre-test was 5.7 and it increased to 6.4 in the post-test 1 and it also increased to 7.5 in the post-test 2. It showed that there was significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension. The second is the improvement of the class situation. The researcher found that jigsaw could improve the students’ interest in reading. During the instructional process, the teaching and learning process had not been dominated by the teacher but also involved the students, so the class became more alive. Jigsaw also improved students’ social developments. Based on the research finding above, the researcher suggests that English teachers should enhance their ability in teaching and to establish a good atmosphere in the class. Meanwhile, the students need to be more involved to all activities in learning process