
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan tentang Tumbuh Kembang dengan Kehadiran Ibu Balita pada Kegiatan Posyandu

Oleh :
Indah Dwi Purnaningsih - R1109016 - Fak. Kedokteran

Background: Stages of age-appropriate early childhood development so that parents, educators, volunteers and other personnel need to know the characteristics and principles of growth and development. The results of a preliminary study of 44 people (63.7%) is always active and 26 men (37.6%) sometimes present and sometimes not in posyandu activities, 40 mother-fives (65.7%) do not know, while 35 mothers toddlers (34 , 3%) knew about the growth and development of toddlers. Average attendance at the toddler's mother posyandu activity 3 months is 47.5% with a target of more than 80%. Objective: To know the correlation level of knowledge on the growth of children with mother attendance on integrated service post. Method: The study was descriptive analytical with cross sectional design. Subject of the study were cadres of integrated service post at bawuran district.. There were 76 cadres taken with systematic random sampling technique and analyzed with Pearson Correlation test. Result: There was significant relationship between knowledge on the growth of children with mother attendance on integrated service post and (p<0.05). The level of knowledge about the growth and development of toddlers with categories are contained in the interval score of 13.83 to 18.17 = 26 respondents (34.2%). Attendance mothers with toddlers in posyandu activity categories contained in the interval less one score <2.50 = 27 respondents (35.5%). Conclusion: There was significant relationship between knowledge on the growth of children with mother attendance on integrated service post