
Prosedur Pelaksanaan Pemberian Kredit pada Perum Pegadaian Cabang Purwotomo Surakarta

Oleh :
Innanawati - F3608040 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Perum Pegadaian is one of the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) are engaged in non-bank financial institutions are expected to participate in building the local economy through loans. With the fast and secure mortgage became one of the answers of the problems of capital entrepreneurs of small and medium industries which can not be access to credit at a bank or other financial institutions such as the completeness and requirements are convoluted. The purpose of this study was to determine the procedures for crediting procedures KCA (secured credit), KREASI (installment loans with Fiducia system), KRASIDA (installment loans with mortgage system), assessment services and courier service at the Pegadaian branch Purwotomo. Research has been conducted using descriptive method that is derived from primary data and secondary data company. While data collection techniques used by writers of observation (direct observation of the place of research) and documentation (other sources that can be accounted for). Based on the results of the research has been done the author shows that the lending procedure is a procedure that consists of procedures guarantee the delivery of goods, fill in the form of demanders of credit, appraisal, and making SBK (letter of credit evidence). From the analysis has been done can be concluded that the implementation of procedures for granting credit to the Perum Pegadaian branch Purwotomo been good, began to surrender the collateral, fill out a credit request, assessment, and the manufacture of SBK. The procedure is very simple and easy to understand. Nevertheless there are still some more things that need to be considered by the Perum Pegadaian is a function of separation between the functions of warehouse storage or function with the function key holder warehouse, in the determination of the loan should be re-checking by the branch chief, and the estimator function involved in the re-mortgage system. Keywords: Lending, KCA, KRESIDA, KREASI, Courier Services, Services Estimated.