
A Translation Analysis of English Participial Phrases Into Indonesian Version in the Novel ‘Blue-Eyed Devil’

Oleh :
Anita Rusjayanti - C0306012 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The purposes of this research are (1) to find out the types of translation techniques applied by the translator in translating participial phrase, (2) to describe how the translation techniques influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. This research is descriptive qualitative. A purposive sampling technique was employed in this research. The data are all participial phrases in the novel ‘Blue-Eyed Devil’ that are placed in the beginning of sentence or before the main clause and its translations. The other data are taken from the questionnaires assessed by six raters and nine respondents. The total data of participial phrase in the novel are 80 data. The analysis on the translation techniques shows that there are four techniques applied by the translator in translating participial phrases in the novel ‘Blue-Eyed Devil’. They are linguistic amplification (59 data or 73, 75%), transposition (9 data or 11, 25%), literal translation (11 data or 13, 75%), and addition (1 datum or 1, 25%). The analysis on the translation accuracy shows that 45 data or 56, 25% from the total data are accurate, 35 data or 43, 75% are less accurate, and no datum is inaccurate. The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that 58 data or 72, 50% are acceptable, 22 data or 27, 50% are less acceptable, and no datum is unacceptable. The analysis on translation readability shows that 28 data or 35% are readable, 52 data or 65% are less readable, and no datum is unreadable. The technique resulting translations with high level of accuracy is linguistic amplification while the technique resulting in low level of accuracy is transposition. The techniques resulting acceptable translations are all techniques consisting of linguistic amplification, transposition, literal translation, and addition. However, the techniques which result in translations with high level of acceptability are linguistic amplification and transposition. Meanwhile, the technique which results in translations with low level of acceptability is literal translation. The translation technique resulting in readable translations with high percentage than others is linguistic amplification.