
The Function of Chinese Food Division to the Banquet Event and Rice Crispy Restaurant at the Sunan Hotel Solo

Oleh :
Dudie Adytia Kurniawan - C9305106 -

Hotel is one of the components of the tourism industry, which has several departments. One of the departments is Food and Beverage Department. It is a vital department because it produces food and drink that are needed by the guests when staying in the hotel. Chinese food division is a section under the Food and Beverage Department. Chinese food division duties are to handle guests order from the room, restaurant, and banquet event. This final project report describes the rules, responsibilities and kinds of cuisine of Chinese food division at The Sunan Hotel Solo. The benefits of the report are to give understanding of how important the Chinese food Division and to motivate The Sunan Hotel to improve their management and their handling of their Kitchen Section so that they can give better services to the guests. During the job training, the writer had valuable experience such as the way to know and choose quality ingredients, keep the ingredients, cook in international standard taste, use the equipments and read the order list. Chinese food Division operation has many rules, starting from preparing the ingredients and source, cooking for banquet events, cooking guess order from restaurant and room order, saving and keeping the other unused ingredients in chiller. The original taste and fresh ingredients is one of the important factors to make a delicious Chinese cuisine, but the most important factor is the chef’s skill to cook Chinese cuisine.