The Effectiveness Of Demonstrating Technique To Teach Vocabulary Viewed From Student Intelligence
Oleh :
Muhammad Husnu - S890809110 -
This research is aimed at finding out whether: (1) demonstrating technique is more effective than translation technique to teach vocabulary at the fourth grade students of elementary school in the Academic Year of 2010/2011; (2) the students who have high intelligence have better vocabulary than those who have low intelligence at the fourth grade students of elementary school in the Academic Year of 2010/2011; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and intelligence for teaching vocabulary at the fourth grade students of elementary school in the Academic Year of 2010/2011.
The method which was applied in this research was experimental study. It was conducted at the fourth Grade Students of SDN 3 Pancor. The population of the research is the fourth Grade Students of SDN 3 Pancor in the academic year of 2010/2011. The samples were two classes. In taking the sample, a cluster random sampling technique was used. Each class was divided into two groups (the students who have high and low intelligence). Then, the techniques which were used to collect the data were an intelligence test for getting the data of the students’ intelligence and a multiple choice test for getting the data of the students’ vocabulary. The vocabulary instruments were tried out to get valid and reliable items. The data were analyzed by using multifactor analysis of ANOVA 2x2 and tukey test.
Based on the results of the analysis, there are some research findings that can be taken: (1) demonstrating technique is significantly different from translation technique to teach vocabulary because Fo is higher than Ft and qo between columns (C1 and C2) is higher than qt and demonstrating technique is more effective than translation technique to teach vocabulary because the mean score of C1 is higher than C2; (2) The vocabulary of the students who have high intelligence is significantly different from that of those who have low intelligence because Fo is higher than Ft and qo between rows (R1 and R2) is higher than qt and the students who have high intelligence have higher vocabulary than those who have low intelligence because the mean score of R1 is higher than R2; and (3) There is no interaction between teaching techniques and intelligence in teaching vocabulary.
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that in general demonstrating technique is more effective than translation technique to teach vocabulary. For the students who have high or low intelligence, demonstrating technique is more effective than translation technique to teach vocabulary.
In accordance with the above result, the English teacher is expected to be able to select the appropriate teaching technique to teach vocabulary for the students who have high or low intelligence.