Improving Students’ Writing Ability by Using Peer Editing Technique (An Action Research At The Third Semester Students Of English Study Program Of Stkip Hamzanwadi Selong In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011)
Oleh :
Muhammad Nahdi - S89080911 -
The research is aimed at: (1) knowing whether Peer-Editing Technique can improve students’ ability in writing an expository paragraph; and (2) describing the teaching-learning situation when Peer-Editing Technique is applied in the writing class.
Action research is implemented in the study because the research methodology enabled the researcher to find out and to solve the teaching and learning problem. Action research process consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Peer-Editing Technique is a technique focusing on writing. It provides frameworks for pairs or small groups to help each other and to critique final and graded written products. There are at least five main activities involved in implementing Peer-Editing Technique. They are: (1) Writing paragraph draft, (2) exchanging ideas with pair, (3) doing peer editing, (4) revising, and (5) discussing the students’ difficulties. The research consists of three cycles. Each cycle consists of three meetings. The meetings consist of activities to write paragraph which are followed by exchanging ideas with pairs. This activity is conducted to make the student editors understand the student authors’ paragraph. The activities of Peer-Editing aim to train the students reviewing their friends’ writing. While the activity of revising is conducted to train the students to improve their writing before having evaluation. And, the activity of discussing the students’ difficulties is conducted to get better solution in improving the students writing ability.
In collecting the data, the researcher used interviews, observation, journal, document, and test. Having collected the data, the researcher analyzed them both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were analyzed using Constant Comparative Method: comparing incident applicable to each category, integrating categories and their properties, delimiting the theory, and writing the theory. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics to calculate the mean scores of the pre-test, Students’ Writing task in Cycle 1, Students’ Writing task in Cycle 2, Students’ Writing task in Cycle 3, and post test.
The results of the study show that: 1) there is improvement in the students’ writing achievement. And after analyzing the scores by using T-test for non independent between Pre-test and Post-test, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference between the result of Pre-test and the result of Post-test, because to (15.696) is higher than tt (2.04)..Thus, Peer-Editing Technique can improve students’ ability in writing an expository paragraph. 2) since Peer-Editing Technique can stimulate students’ participation in the teaching learning activities and provides various activities in every meeting, the class becomes more alive, especially when the students’ exchange ideas with pairs and in a class discussion. Thus, Peer-Editing Technique can improve the situation in writing class. Therefore, Peer-Editing Technique is one of the appropriate techniques to improve students’ writing ability.