
Rancangan Fleksibel Klem sebagai Komponen Alat Bantu Proses Pengasahan Pahat HSS dan Pahat Twist Drill (Studi kasus: Laboratorium Perancangan dan Perencanaan ProdukTeknik Industri UNS)

Oleh :
Amrina Rosada - I1307025 - Fak. Teknik

Geometry tool will affect to the process and the outcome of the machining. The correct geometry tool can be obtained from sharpener in the right way. Tool grinding fixture will help the process of sharpening tool. In other to accommodate more than one type of fleksibel fixture clamp is needed. This research is focused on the desain of flexible clamps for high speed steel (hss) and twist drill sharpening tool components. The research was conducted by identifying the problem of sharpener tool on P3 laboratory UNS. Based on the identification of the problem obtained by the design concept than the results of the design are verified by using cosmosexpressTM to get material strength. The results of this study is the design of flexible clamping tool of the HSS 0 0 and twist drill which have range -45 45 . Verification design results resilience suggest that the design is safe when used with minor defleksion. Key words: sharpener tool, fixture, twist drill, high speed steel, cosmoexpress. xvi + 61 p, 7 tables, 59 drawings, 12 attachments