
Analisis Pengaruh Store Name, Perceived Quality dan Satisfaction pada Loyalty Toko Jempol Surakarta (Studi pada Konsumen Toko Jempol Surakarta)

Oleh :
Galih Fajar Wibowo - F1205012 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of store name, perceived quality and satisfaction on customer loyalty. Survey was conducted as the method of this research. The population target was the customer of Toko Jempol who bought furniture at least twice in this year. The researcher conducted non probability sampling method and purposive sampling technique to take 199 respondents as the sample. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and cronbach’s alfa with SPSS 11.0 were used to test the validity and the reliability. The value of KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA) in this research was 0,901 and the value of Barlett test with Chi-squares= 3513,239. The result showed that rotated component matrix has been completely extracted (loading factor > 0,50). Based on the variable of service quality consisting of 12 items , the variable of perceived quality (PQ) consisting of 22 items, the variable of customer satisfaction (S) consisting of 3 items and the variable of customer loyalty (CL) consisting of 2 item, all of them were valid. Thus, it can be concluded that the indicator of 39 items were asserted valid. In the first model, the side of Goodness of Fit was shown a good indication so it resulted chi-square valued 734,797 with degree of freedom 690, the probability of 0,115 was bigger than 0,05; RMR value was 0,025; GFI Value was 0,845; RMSEA value was 0,018; AGFI value was 0,825; TLI value was 0,984, CFI value was 0,985. The additional index of parsimony fit measures resulted 1,065 as CMIN/df value. This research generally has a good indication. The result of the test has significant and positive influence. Keywords: Store name, Perceived quality, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Toko Jempol