
The Analysis Of The Students’ Worksheet Used By Fourth Grade Students In SDN 01 Plesungan Karanganyar

Oleh :
Rimawati Surya Ningrum - C9308059 -

This final project report is written based on the writer’s experiences as an English teacher in doing the job training in SDN 01 Plesungan. The aim is to analyze the students’ worksheet used by fourth grade students of elementary school. In the job training, the writer arranged the teaching and learning process into three stages consisting of pre-teaching, main-teaching, and post teaching. Therefore, the writer made some activities to fulfill the students’ needs. The writer also provided the complement material taken from the students’ worksheet. During the teaching and learning English, there were some errors found in the students’ worksheet used. Thus, the writer decided to analyze the students’ worksheet. The analysis consisting of the relevancy of the material with the curriculum; the materials focused both on form and on function; the language skills provided are integrated well; the materials are user friendly; the materials have the various activities.