Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Buzz Group Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Akuntansi Siswa Kelas X Smk Batik 2 Surakarta Tahun Diklat 2010/2011
Oleh :
Nurul Nugraheni - K7407028 -
The purpose of this research is to describe an application of cooperative learning model buzz group technique in increasing accountancy learning quality seen from process and result of learning student of class X SMK Batik 2 Surakarta year of 2010/2011. The accountancy learning quality consist of some indicators of the increasing of learning attainment, that is: (1) Role and also work of student in group, (2) Student’s activation during following study, (3) Carefulness and accuracy in solving the problem and (4) The complete result of learning (KKM 70).
The research used classroom action research approach (PTK). Classroom action research (PTK) is research done by teacher in its own class through reflection, as a mean to repair its performance as teacher so that result of learning student become increasing. This research is done by collaborating between researcher, teacher class by involving students participation. The subject research is student of class X Accountancy 1 SMK Batik 2 Surakarta amounting to 44 students. The technique of collecting is done by observing, interviewing, documenting and testing. The research process is done in two cycles, each cycle consist of four phases, that is: (1) action planning, (2) action doing, (3) observation and interpretation and (4) analysis and reflection. Cycle I is done in twice meeting of during 5 x 45 minutes and cycle II is done in 3 times meeting of during 7 x 45 minutes.
According to the research, it can be conclude that the application of cooperative learning model buzz group technique can increase the accountancy learning quality through previous procedure or steps have been specified in plan (RPP).
a.Role and also work of student in group at cycle I to cycle II experience of the change and increase, that is cycle I there are 5 groups or 62,50% increasing to be 7 groups or 87,50% at cycle II.
b.Student’s activation during following study at cycle I to cycle II experience of the change and increase, that is cycle I there are 11 students or 27% increasing to be 28 students or 68,29% at cycle II.
c.Carefulness and accuracy in solving the problem at cycle I to cycle II experience of the change and increase, that is cycle I there are 4 groups or 50% increasing to be 6 groups or 75% at cycle II.
d.The complete result of learning (KKM 70) at cycle I to cycle II experience of the change and increase, that is cycle I there are 27 students or 61,36% increasing to be 35 students or 79,55% at cycle II.
There by, the application of cooperative learning model buzz group technique is effective to increase accountancy learning quality.