Improving Students’ Writing Skill on Recount Text Using Questioning Technique and Facebook Media (A Classroom Action Research at Grade VIIIA SMPN 2 Sumberlawang in 2010/2011 Academic Year)
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Giyatno - S89030600 -
The objective of the research are: (1) to identify whether or not and to what extent questioning technique and facebook media improve the students’ writing skill on recount text, and (2) to describe improvement of classroom situation of the students’ activities in the process of teaching and learning on recount text writing.
The research was carried out at SMP N 2 Sumberlawang, Sragen from January to February 2011 employing a Collaborative Classroom Action Research. The subjects of the research are thirty two students of the eighth grade VIIIA SMP N 2 Sumberlawang, Sragen. The research was conducted in two cycles each of which consisted of three meetings. Each cycle comprises four steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In collecting data, the researcher used interview, observation, questionnaire, research diary and test. To analyze the quantitative data, the researcher applied a descriptive statistics to describe mean score. To analyze the qualitative data the researcher applied constant comparative method by Glaser and Strauss which include these steps: (1) comparing incidents applicable to each category, (2) integrating categories and their properties, (3) delimiting the theory and (4) writing theory
The findings revealed that the program of improving students writing skill using questioning technique and face book media is successful viewed from some dimensions. The research findings showed some important points in students writing skill as follows: (1) the improvement of students’ skill in using choice of structure and vocabulary consistently; (2) the improvement of organizing ideas; (3) the improvement of using vocabulary in right context; (4) the improvement of using correct grammar; and (5) the improvement of using correct punctuation. The mean score of pre research, post test cycle 1, and post test cycle 2 are 64, 69 and 79.The mean score improved significantly.
The classroom situation also improved. It can be seen from the classroom situation; (1) All students were joining each meeting and starting the class more quickly, (2) During the writing class, the students involved in the learning process actively, (3) They asked to the teacher if they got problems in learning process especially in the discussion, (4) They were encouraged to do the task and (5) They were brave to express their own opinion to others
The research findings on this research imply that questioning technique and face book media are very important in improving students’ writing skill in recount text. Therefore, it is recommended that (1) the teacher can use various questions in teaching and learning process. The teacher should be more active, creative and innovative; (2) English teachers and school institutions facilitate to establish English writing corner with its programs to continue the improvement of the research, discuss the basic language skills or micro and macro writing skills, and stimulate students to write their experience, knowledge in all aspects, not only in recount text but also in other kinds of texts and (3) Finally, for the students themselves, they have to study English hard and have to be brave to express their own opinions in English writing. They should not be afraid, embarrassed or nervous in expressing their English writing skill. They must know that the one who practice writing more he or she will get better skill in writing.