
Impoliteness strategies used in American TV-series grey’s anatomy episode “a hard day’s night” (A Socio-Pragmatics Study)

Oleh :
Novia Chandra Sari - C0305050 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This research focuses on the impoliteness act employed by the characters in American TV Series Grey’s Anatomy Episode A Hard Day’s Night. This research was conducted to describe the impoliteness strategy used by the characters in American TV Series Grey’s Anatomy Episode A Hard Day’s Night, the reason that encourages the selection of strategy, and also the responses toward the impoliteness act expressed by the addressees in the film. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This research uses pragmatic approach. The technique of sampling used is total sampling. All conversations containing impoliteness and the impoliteness responses were taken as the data. Based on the data analysis, the researcher draws conclusions as follows: There are four types of strategy employed by the characters in American TV Series Grey’s Anatomy Episode A Hard Day’s Night. They are Bald on record impoliteness, Positive impoliteness, Negative Impoliteness, and Sarcasm. Based on Hymes‟ theory of SPEAKING, there are four ultimate aspects that encourage the speaker to employ certain strategy. They are social distant, tone, register and ends. Bald on record strategy is mostly used by superior participant when the tone is serious and the register is formal. The most important point is the ends of the speech which are to educate the subordinate as they are junior doctors. Positive Impoliteness, Negative Impoliteness, and sarcasm are used alternately by equal social status participants when the tone tends to be cheerful, and the register in casual. In responding the impoliteness act, according to Culpeper‟s theory there are three types of pattern found in the data. They are Offensive-Affirmative, Offensive-Defensive, and Offensive-Offensive. When an impoliteness act is uttered by speaker in superior social status, the response perceived is always Offensive-Affirmative. When an impoliteness act is uttered by speaker in equal social status, the response perceived is alternately Offensive-Defensive and Offensive-Defensive. When an impoliteness act is uttered by the speaker in subordinate social status, in one case the response perceived is Offensive- Defensive as the speaker is in high psychological pressure and the hearer is a doctor who comprehends the situation. Based on the conclusions above, the researcher hopes that this research will give a contribution to the students in studying the impoliteness strategy. There are still many cases on the study of impoliteness. It is suggested to other researchers who are interested in impoliteness to conduct a further research on impoliteness function.