Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Praktek Produktif dalam Menghadapi Dunia Usaha dan Industri di SMK Negeri 1 Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen
Oleh :
Fajar Suryanto - S811002003 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This research aims: (1) To find out the learning process of implementation of existing productive practices of SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen; (2) To get the benefits of cooperation between of SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen with business and industry: (3) To solve the problems in the implementation of productive practice of SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen; and (4) To find out the result of the student learning practice.
This research was conducted in SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen. The approach employed in this study was descriptive qualitative and case study in the implementation of productive learning practice in facing the world of business and industry of SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen. The data was collected from interviews to the Principal, Vice Principal, director of company, observation to the location, and documentation techniques. The data validation process was done using triangulation, in format review, observation extension, and persistence improvement. The data analysis was done using an interactive model
This result of research concludes that: a) the implementation of productive learning practice that implemented by Clothing Department program of SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen work in X, XI, XII grades by implementing a dual system of education using mastery learning model and a curriculum Spectrum 2008 for learning in school, while for learning out school or job training for 4 months that collaborates with the partner of company. Tool and infrastructure for to practice was enough and all of the teachers have fulfill the academic qualification, evaluation work direct and indirect collaborate with the company; b) In the collaboration program among industry sectors there is a clear consensus about the content, time and model of program implementation; c) The problem that facing was lack the practical room so using the classroom for to practice, and lack the productive subject teacher that must use non permanent teacher; d) The result of students’ learning and practice shaped of values and goods or clothing, assessment made by the teacher during the process and see the result of practice activities. The result of graduate over the last two years as many as 33 students and 94% have worked and continued school.
Based on the result of research, the writer expected to have good implications both theoretically and practically, and the writer give recommendation to SMK Negeri I Kalijambe Sragen to seek the other learning models, such as the teaching factory, as well as development of the curriculum to be intensified and adapted to technological advance in the company, so that career guidance was important for the students after graduate are better prepared to face the real world of work.
Key Words : Mastery Learning.