The Generation Gaps Between Issei and Nissei as Seen in Hisaye Yamamoto’s Seventeen Syllables and Other Stories
Oleh :
Dony Setiyawan - C0304018 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research is mainly aimed to explain the generation gaps between Issei
and Nissei and how the generation gapsbetween them affect the construction of
identity of Nissei as seen in short story compilation entitled “Seventeen Syllables
and Other Stories”. The source of the data is the short story compilation of Hisaye
Yamamoto entitled “Seventeen Syllables and Other Stories”. The main data of the
research is the entire words, the dialogues, the phrases and sentences, the
characters, the characterization,and the setting included in the short story
compilation. The supporting data aretaken from other sources such as the articles
related to generation gaps, the history of Japanese American, the human
psychology, and many others that are related to the research and beneficial to
answer the research questions.
The research applied interdisciplinary study. There are some approaches
used to answer the research question: the sociocultural approach, the historical
approach and thepsychosocial approach. The biography of Hisaye Yamamoto is
also included to get a more understanding in her works.
After conducting the analysis, it is discovered that there are generation
gaps between Issei and Nissei as seen in Hisaye Yamamoto’s “Seventeen
Syllables and Other Stories”. The gapsbetween them are the gaps in language
andgaps in socio cultural. The language gapsare the gapsof ability between Issei
and Nissei in using Japanese or English while the cultural gaps mainly about their
differences in valuing the Japanese and English culture. Those gaps have created
an invisible wall between them that halts their mutual understanding. Another
result from the analysis is that there is an exceptional impact of the generation
gaps toward Nissei identity formation. The sort of role model given by Issei had
driven Nissei to shift their view of role model to their surrounding which mostly
Americans. This shift of role model had led to Nisei’s undeniable characteristics
that were more assimilated to American culturethan their Issei parents.