
Analisis Fungsi Tahan Hidup Penderita Kanker Payudara yang Berdistribusi Rayleigh di RSUP DR. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten

Oleh :
Brilianita Kusuma Wardhani - M0106007 -

Survival analysis is the investigation of the life-time of a unit or component in a certain operational condition with a non-negative random variable life-time data. Application of survival functions can be found in industry, agriculture, medicine and other fields using the concept of survival. One application of survival analysis in the medical field is survival function analysis of breast cancer patients. Breast cancer is the fifth death caused disease after lung cancer, uterine cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer. Classifications of breast cancer clinics are grouped into four stages i.e stage I, stage II, stage III and stage IV. The purpose of this study is to determine the estimated survival function parameters to obtain the value of MTTF and its convidence interval, the estimated survival function and to estimate of hazard function for patients with breast cancer and its interpretation The method used in this research is a literary study and case studies. The data used is data of breast cancer patients in RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten from January 2006 until October 2010. The research data are grouped into their censored and not censored data using the sensor type I for each stage, Then making a plot of cumulatife hazard from life-time data use Nellson-Aalen method. If plot of cumulatife hazard approaches then satisfied the assumption of Rayleigh distribution. After that we estimated the parameter of survival function by the method of maximum likelihood and its confidence interval estimated by The Pivot method. Based on the results, we obtained the estimated value of Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) from stage IV is smaller than stage II and on stage III. Stage IV had 22 months MTTF with confidence interval between 15 to 31 months. The probability of survival of patients declined from the first 3 months after the prognosis and surgical treatment, which is 97.41% and decline at month-24 at to 37.20%. The probability of survival function is very low when entering the 48th month at 3.63%. Keywords: survival function of Rayleigh distribution, breast cancer, maximum likelihood estimation, method of pivot.