
Elucidating User Acceptance Of Mobile Banking: A Perspective Of The Extended Technology Accepted Model (Tam) Using Perceived Mobility Value And Perceived Enjoyment Variables

Oleh :
Delariza Rika Fasita - F0307036 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The objective of this research is to examine and verify that the TAM can be employed to explain and predict the acceptance of mobile banking. This study identifies two factors that account for individual differences, i.e. Perceived Mobile Value (PMV) and Perceived Enjoyment (PE) which is adapted from Huang et al. (2006). Population in this research is bank customers who use mobile banking services in Indonesia. A sample of 131 respondents was selected using a purposive sampling method whereby the respondents have to be mobile banking users to be included in the survey. The constructs’ in the model were measured using existing items adapted from some prior TAM research. The result shows that the data fit the extended TAM well. Furthermore, the result show that perceived enjoyment and perceived mobility can affect individual intention to use mobile banking. Overall, the result support that perceived mobility value and perceived enjoyment may appropriate to use in predicting user acceptance of mobile banking.