
Evaluasi Sistem Pemberian Kredit pada Koperasi Unit Desa Selogiri Kabupaten Wonogiri

Oleh :
Lulut Nopitasari - F3308158 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Selogiri Village Cooperative (KUD) is a cooperative established to foster the small credit for the Selogiri community. This is realized by the development of credit issuance business for the member of cooperative. We know that the credit issuance process contains the risk of deviation; therefore in order to anticipate such action a goodinternal control system in credit issuance system in needed. This research aims to find out the implementation procedure of credit issuance system as same as Peraturan Prosedur Tetap and to find out internal control system in credit issuance system.This research was conducted using primary method, that is, the data derived directly from the cooperative, and interview, that is, the method of collecting data by direct question-answer with the competent party.Considering the evaluation conducted, it can be found the strength and weaksness of credit issuance system in Selogiri Village Cooperative. The strength is implementation procedure of credit issuance system run by the cooperative as same as Peraturan Prosedur Tetap. Meanwhile the weakness is the use of form without printed sequence number.From those finding, the following recommendations can be proposed to achieve the credit issuance system that is consistent with the healthy practice and use form that suitable with good form principals, by using the printed sequenced number form. Keyword : Credit issuance system