
Customer’s Perception Toward Services and Facilities Provided by BPU Rosalia Indah

Oleh :
Sonia - C9308119 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This project report is based on the writer’s job training in the BPU Rosalia Indah. The objectives of this report are to describe customer’s perception toward services and facilities provided by BPU Rosalia Indah and to know the effort done by BPU Rosalia Indah to improve good services and facilities. In this report, a descriptive qualitative research is employed. The techniques of collecting data were conducted based on observation, library study, questioner, and interview. The observation was done by observing the subjects directly. The library study was carried out by searching some information from books, news paper and internet. The questioners were allotted to the twenty customers of BPU Rosalia Indah as the external public. The interviews were conducted by asking some questions to the internal public of BPU Rosalia Indah. The data were analyzed to identify the perceptions of the customers of BPU Rosalia Indah toward the services and facilities provided and to know the effort done by BPU Rosalia Indah to improve good services and facilities. Based on the analysis, some conclusions could be drawn. Most of the customers have good perception toward the services and facilities provided by BPU Rosalia Indah. They felt the services and facilities are good and satisfied. However, few of them felt disappointed and unsatisfied with the services and facilities. Meanwhile, BPU Rosalia Indah has done some efforts to make good services and facilities, such as cleaning control for every facilities provided.