The Strategies to ImproveThe Promotion of Sragen Tourist Attractions
Oleh :
Ana Zasyaroh - C9308008 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This report is based on the job training which was conducted at Sragen Tourism
Office within a month in February 2011. Sragen Tourism Office is located on Jl.
Raya Sukowati 15B-C Sragen. It is a technical government institution which
facilitates and manages all of tourism activities.
The report discusses the problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office and also the
strategies to improve Sragen ttourist aattractions. There are two kinds of problem
that are faced by Sragen Tourism Office coming from outside and inside the
department and also several solutions to solve the problems. This final project
report also describes the strategies to improve the tourist attractions such as
promotion media, holding “Putra Putri Sukowati” contest, morning tea, and
improving the quality of the human resources.
The results indicate that there are many problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office
consisting of internal and external problems such as financial problems, limited
equipments, and limited information for the foreign visitors, and small number of
visit of foreign visitors. The ways to solve the problems include cooperating with
other institutions, repairing the old equipments, providing more equipments,
recruiting new staff, as well as re-educating and trainning staff.