
Teaching english to 7th grade students at MTs Negeri Plupuh, Sragen

Oleh :
Dwi Puji Lestari - C9308093 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The aims of this final project report are to describe the process of teaching descriptive English text to 7th grade students at MTs NEGERI PLUPUH, SRAGEN and to describe the problems and the solutions in teaching descriptive English text. Before teaching, I did some activities to collect date by doing an observation in the first week of the job training. I interviewed the headmaster to get more information about the school. I also consulted the materials that would be taught based on the syllabus with my supervisor. I performed teaching activity in three stages: presentation and explanation, exercise, and test. I found some problems during the process of teaching descriptive English text. The problems are; the uncooperative students, the lack of vocabulary and the language used to deliver the lesson. I solved the problems by asking the uncooperative students to sit on my chair (sit in front of the class), bringing dictionary in every English subject, and combining English and Indonesian in deliver the lesson.