Teaching procedure text tograde VII students in SMP Negeri 5 Karanganyar
Oleh :
Rizki Magistra Maharani - C9308060 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is composed based on my job training experience done in SMP N 5 Karanganyar for about one month. I emphasized in teaching English procedure text to the VII grade students to know their ability in conveying message through English.I applied four stages in teaching procedure text in class from building knowledge of the field (BKOF), modeling of the text, joint construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. I used bilingual system to teach the students in class. Thus, I composed a new material based on the syllabus of Education Unit level for the VII grade students of Junior High School to create a significant progress of English teaching and learning. Many obstacles encountered during the process of teaching and learning procedure text for instance the lack of vocabulary, uncooperative students, difficulties of material, and misunderstanding instruction. To overcome these obstacles I providedsome pictures of new vocabularies and translated the difficult words into Indonesian. I asked the lazy students to sit onthe front and gave some tasks to make them more active, said:“class” then ordered the students to answer: “yes”, and sang a song as well. I made up the material through decreasing the level of its difficulties. I also applied bilingual system in teachingand learning process to avoid the misunderstanding instruction. Teaching procedure text to grade VII students in SMP N 5 Karanganyar was successfully accomplished. There might be some mistakes during the process of teaching and learning. Hence, I give some suggestions for all parties who take a role on it.