
The Power Of Games In Teaching Vocabulary To The Fourth Grade Students Of Sdn 2 Canden, Sambi, Boyolali

Oleh :
Erni Yunita Sari - C9308096 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training in SDN 2 Canden Boyolali for a month. The objectives of this final project report are to describe the implementation of games in teaching vocabulary in the fourth student of SDN 2 Canden and to describe the strength of games in teaching vocabulary in the fourth student of SDN 2 Canden, The writer did some activities during the teaching and learning process. Based on the discussion, there are three subchapters. They are the profil of SDN 2 Canden, the job training activities and the implementation of games and the strength of games in teaching vocabulary. The process of teaching vocabulary to young learners in teaching in SDN Canden 2 can be divided into three stages: warming up, presentation, and practice. On this job training, the writer focused on the power of games in the taught English material. The games are word game, matching game and puzzle game. The student’ motivation to study will increase when they are enjoying the beginning of the learning activity. In presenting the new vocabulary, the writer used a picture because it is a quick and easy way to student remember the meaning of words. The students become an active learner because they become the participants in the learning activity. Based on the writer’s experience, the teaching of english vocabulary by using games is more effective than without using games. Games can give more fun and higher motivation that are necessary for students.