Analisis anteseden relationship commitment dan pengaruhnya terhadap customer retention ( studi pada karaoke keluarga “Inul Vizta” di Surakarta)
Oleh :
Paramita Indra Pajar Suryani - F1205077 -
This study aims to examine the antecedent of relationship commitment covering technical quality, functional quality, effectiveness of communication, trust and customer satisfaction affects customer retention with relationship commitment as mediation. This research is testing the hypothesis with a survey method. The target population of this study are all visitors Karaoke Family "Inul Vizta" in Surakarta. The number of samples taken was 200 people. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling. Convenience sampling method used. Test instruments used in this study is to pretest, test validity and reliability test. Hypothesis testing technique using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results of this study concluded that: The quality of the relationship has significant technical and also has a significant commitment to customer satisfaction, quality of relationships has a significant functional and also has a significant commitment to customer satisfaction, effectiveness of communication have a significant effect on relationship commitment and also have a significant effect on consumer satisfaction , the trust has a significant on the relationship commitment, customer satisfaction has a significant commitment in relationships and also have a significant effect on trust, relationship commitment have a significant effect on customer retention, and customer satisfaction have a significant effect on customer retention. Thus, this study describes the phenomenon that relationship commitment has a significant and positive in the formation of customer retention. Keywords: Quality of Technical, Functional Quality, Effectiveness of Communication, Confidence, Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Commitment, Customer Retention.