Expeller Pressing Extractor Dengan Tipe Sirkulasi Pelarut
Oleh :
Dian Hapsari - I8307056 - Fak. Teknik
Most of the ginger products are exported to other countries in the form of fresh ginger, processed ginger (dry or pickle), attire oil or oleoresin. Oleoresin is very useful in food and drinks industry. It is used as a flavor in foods and drinks. Oleoresin can be found by mechanic pressing and extraction. The objective of this final project is to make an extractor by using expeller pressing system. It is done to get oleoresin in the red ginger. The specal quality of this system is extraction can be processed in confornity with the size reduction of materials.
Extractor by using expeller pressing system consists of a chain of components; they are screw conveyor to take the material by pushing and reduction the raw material size, pully and v-belt component to continue the energy, electric motor to move the pully and v-belt, and reducer to reduce the rolling fastness of the motor system.
In this extraction method, the ginger and the etanol are entered together in the same tin on the screw by hopper. The screw is rolling in 75 rpm to destroy the raw material, mix ginger and etanol and also pressing the raw material. Next, the raw material and the ginger extract are kept in the separate vessel to separate the raw material from the extract. Then the extract flow into the heating vessel. It is heated with the electric stove to evaporate and condensed the etanol. The expeller pressing extractor is operated in 30°C with 1 atm pressure.
Based on the experiment result we could know that capacity of expeller pressing extractor was 50 grams/ minute. The raw material used in this experiment was red ginger and etanol. Oleoresin that produced in this process is comparable with the value of etanol. As a result, as much as the etanol used, as many as oleoresin can be produced in the process. The biggest rendement can be reach in the extraction process by using 2 liter etanol,it is 5, 32%.