
Method of Teaching Vocabulary for 3rd Grade Ofelementary School In SD N Randusari Teras Boyolali

Oleh :
Lusi Susanti - C9307056 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Lusi Susanti, 2010. Teaching Vocabulary Method for 3 Grade of ElementarySchool in SDN Randusari Teras Boyolali. English Diploma Program, Faculty ofLetters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report is written based on the job training in SDN RandusariTeras Boyolali done by the writer. This final project report is written to describe theprocess of teaching vocabulary to the 3 rd grade students of SDN Randusari, to findout the problems in the process of teaching vocabulary and to give solution or inputfor the problems in the process of teaching vocabulary. In the process of job training, the writer observed the process of teaching and learning English in this elementaryschool. Besides, the writer analyzed the method appropriate and effective used toteach English lesson to the students of SDN Randusari. In the job training, the writer did some activities during the process of teaching and learning English to the 3 rd grade students of SDN Randusari. The process could be classified into six parts, opening, modelling, giving join construction of text, giving Independent construction of text, closing, and giving assessment. Besides, in the modelling there are two activities, giving explanation and practicing. In the process of giving explanation and practicing to the students, the writer made an enjoyable condition in the class, so the students could accept the material well. In the practicing section there were four skill comprehensions, speaking, writing listening and reading skills. The writer also explains the problems faced during teaching and learning vocabulary of 3 rd grade students of SDN Randusari in this final project report. The problems are class management, student difficulty in learning English, and the handbook used. To solve the difficulty of students in learning English the writer made repetition when explaining the material. And, about the handbook, the writer copied important information from other resource to the students.