
Detektor Kebocoran Gas Lpg Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535

Oleh :
Noer Chomisah - M3308050 - Fak. MIPA

LPG is a gas which easy to burn. If leak happens and does not immediately handle it will make an explosion. To prevent that, it is needed a machine which can detect the leak of LPG. Final objective of the final project report is to make detection of LPG leak. Detector of LPG leak has been made. Generally detection of LPG leak has been designed use microcontroller ATMega8535, sensor TGS2610, LCD, buzzer, bell AC, and LED. Microcontroller receives input from sensor TGS2610, than microcontroller proceed and gave output to LCD as display, buzzer and bell AC as warning, and LED as indication level of dangerous leak. This machine will detect leak of LPG and give warning and show degree of gas based on arranged limitations. Warning will be stoped automatically after machine does not detect the gas of LPG. Key words: Microcontroller ATMega8535, TGS2610 sensor, LCD, LED, Buzzer, Bel AC.