Does Value For Money Work? (An Evidence Of City Walk Program In Surakarta)
Oleh :
Emi Indrawati - S4307064 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This research explores the evaluation of City Walk Program done based on the Value For Money concepts. The objectives of this research are: to examine how the evaluation of City Walk Program is done based on the Value for Money concepts and to examine the implication of the City Walk Program to society.The design used in this research is exploratory study. Through the exploration, researcher will be able to develop concepts more clearly. Populations used in this research are the stakeholder of Surakarta. Stakeholders of this report are divided into internal and external users: executives, the civil servants as the preparers are the internal users and the others including legislatures and public in common are the external ones. Numbers of respondents are 30.This qualitative research uses an inductive data analysis technique, with Value for Money (VFM) approach to define the element of economy, efficiency and affectivity. To analyze with Value for Money (VFM) approach which are rationale, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and continuous relevancy.Based on the interview with all respondents, some aspect of VFM could be accepted by public otherwise some are not. From the rationale aspect, the majority of respondents who were asked opinions about the rationality of these programs agreed that City Walk is a project that logically can be accepted by the stakeholders of Surakarta. Economy aspects prove that the value for money spent in this program have been obtained at the most economical level by public auction process conducted by the Procurement Committee of Planology and Urban Official of Surakarta. Efficiency aspect gives facts interviews with some respondents said that the program is quite efficient; however, some others said it is not. The fact that the value of Rupiah used to finance this program is felt quite inadequate and almost all respondents agreed that the output of this development is equal with the rupiah spent.The effectiveness of the program is not fully achieved. Short-term goal has been reached that is the arrangement of the city in several segments along the City Walk. Long-term goal for managing all aspects of urban areas has not been reached, including problems in the parking area on City Walk. The construction of City Walk has positive and negative social impact. The increased community interaction in the area of City Walk is one of the positive examples. In other one, various violations and unpleasant actions in the area are the negative impact felt by the society. Economically presence of cadgers there, not so much contribute income to the government of Surakarta, also the case with the income of the vendors themselves did not change significantly due to the construction of City Walk. Impacts on cultural aspects, the development of City Walk which managed to make the city look better has contributed to the increasing number of tourist visits along the City Walk tourist destination. The successful arrangement of the city through the construction of City Walk managed to change the look of the city, organize street vendors, although its effectiveness is still not fully achieved sinc the project has been running for several years, enough to make the intention of the Government of Surakarta to continue the arrangement of the city through the City Walk development in other areas.Some recommendations are the socialization of performance measurement using Value for Money should be done soon both in the level of central government or local government, specially for the City Walk improvement Especially for the development of City Walk, by anticipating road users in the area of City Walk for cyclists and rickshaws should be made a special point at the location of City Walk to provide comfort and safety (because they do not have to cross to the north side of the road Slamet Riyadi).