Evaluasi Sistem Penggajian Pada Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta
Oleh :
Taufan Agustian - F3308174 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Payroll systems are used in different hospitals with a payroll system that is used in private companies as well as in manufacturing companies. This is because the hospital is an organization engaged in public service, where the primary purpose of hospitals is not to reach the maximum profit level, but in the performance of the services provided to the community.To achieve these objectives, the hospital should be able to apply the principles of management for the maintenance of a balance between revenue and expenditure. If there is a surplus for any expenses will be used for the development of the necessary facilities. For hospitals, the Fund can be obtained from State subsidies, the donor community and the ability of business to meet their own needs. For hospitals is expected to develop according to the orientation of medical science and the evolution of the technology.From the payroll system at the hospital Dr. Moewardi author of finding Some strengths and weaknesses. The Strenghts is the separation of duties which will prevent any leakage of payroll systeml hospital Dr. Moewardi. While its weakness is the absence of the attendance list, so that employees can not monitor attendance and performance.Recommendations may be given the author is doing the examination and without prior notice to the parties that will be examined, with an irregular schedule. This is done to encourage employees to work optimally and can carry out their duties in accordance with predefined rules.