
The Maxims Flouted In The Film “The Queen” (A Pragmatics Study)

Oleh :
Maya Apriliani A.K. - C0305003 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The research is a descriptive qualitative research using Pragmatics approach. It analyzes the flouting of maxim of Quality, Quantity, Relation, and Manner. The source of data in this thesis is the film “The Queen.” The data are the dialogues flouting the four conversational maxims in the conversation. There are 43 data in the research. The aims of the research are to find out the implicature in the dialogue of the characters in the film and the intention of the speakers in flouting the maxims in their utterances. The result of the analysis can be seen as follows: First, it is found that all the maxims are flouted by the characters. They are the maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relation, and Manner. Those flouting of maxims have their own implicature related to the context of each dialogue which shows the intention of the speakers in flouting the maxims. Second, one intention can be achieved by flouting and overlapping different maxims. There are 4 same intentions which can be achieved by flouting and overlapping different maxims i.e. to show the speakers’ feeling, to assure someone about something, to give extra information, and to express the speakers’ opinion. Further, one category of the maxim flouted can express more than one intention. This is due to such factors as the social stratum, the closeness of the relation between the speakers and the hearers, the level of age of the speakers and the hearers, and the information contained in the speakers’ utterance itself.