Pengaruh perceived quality, perceived sacrifice, perceived value, satisfaction pada behavioral intentions (survei pada mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)
Oleh :
Budi Setyawan - F1206066 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is influence of the perceived influence of quality, perceived sacrifice, perceived value, satisfaction on behavioral intentions Acer brand laptop. Researchers saw that the growth of laptop products at this time quite rapidly and affected more and more consumer choice on the brand - a brand laptops on the market.
This study is causal with a survey method. The target population of this study were students who had used the Acer brand laptop. Samples taken from 200 respondents in which the sample is students from the University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta who had used the Acer brand laptop.
Based on the analysis of structural models (SEM) to test the hypothesis in this study concluded that the perceived quality has positive influence on perceived value, perceived sacrifice no effect on the perceived value, perceived value of a positive influence on satisfaction, perceived value of a positive influence on behavioral intentions, and satisfaction influence positive effect on behavioral intentions.
Advice can be given based on the results of this research is in an attempt to create behavioral intentions is to optimize customer satisfaction through quality and innovation of Acer brand laptop continuously in the price, features and design of the laptop so the tendency for consumers to choose laptops and Acer laptops perceive the overall value can be increased and generate consumer behavioral intentions.