The Co-Operation Between Banquet Section and Other Sections to Handle Events at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo
Oleh :
Adityo Ardhi Nugroho - C9306099 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Hotel is one of crucial factors to the development of tourism field. So many ways are done to increase the facilities and services in the hotel to get customer’s satisfaction. One of the efforts is maintaining Food and Beverage well to attract the guests. Food and Beverage Department has important responsibility to maintain food and beverage service and product. Food and Beverage Department has many subdivisions that responsible to maintain each division duties. One of the sections is Banquet, working under Food and Beverage Service. This Department is responsible to serve the guest in an event that is held in Hotel. Banquet has many functions to the other sections. This final project has purposes to find out the Co-operative between Banquet Section and Other Section to handle event in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo and to describe the job description of Banquet Section.
Banquet Coordinator has responsibilities to coordinate and handle all things in arranging the banquet for the hotel’s guest, while Banquet Captain has the responsibility to direct the waiter when handling events. Banquet Section also has a crucial relation with another section such as kitchen, pastry, housekeeping, stewarding, and engineering for handling event in hotel.