
Efektivitas pursed-lip breathing exercise terhadap frekuensi serangan pasien ppok

Oleh :
Ria Widowati - G0006217 - Fak. Kedokteran

Tujuan : Pursed-lip breathing exercise sangat bermanfaat bagi penderita PPOKdalam mengurangi gejala-gejala yang mereka derita, terutama sesak nafas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas Pursed-lip breathing exercise terhadap frekwensi serangan pada pasien PPOK. Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat observational analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dilakukan di Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik dan Instalasi Paru, RSUD Dr. Moewardi dan BPKPM Surakarta. Subjek penelitian meliputi 2 kelompok. Kelompok kontrol adalah pasien PPOK derajat sedang, usia 60-75 th yang belum pernah menerima chest physical theraphy jenis apapun, dan kelompok perlakuan adalah pasien PPOK derajat sedang, usia 60-75 th yang sudah melakukan pursed-lip breathing exercise selama 1 tahun. Masing-masing kelompok diminta mengisi kuesioner yang telah disediakan, yang berisi tentang riwayat pribadi, dan pertanyaaan tentang gejala serangan PPOK yang diambil dari SGRQ(Saint George Respiratory Questioner). Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan antara kelompok kontrol (dengan mean skor kuesioner 359,7 ±75,53) dan kelompok perlakuan (dengan mean 270,47 ±57,69) terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Objective : Pursed-lip breathing exercise is very beneficial for COPD patients in reduce the symptoms they are suffering, especially shortness of breathing. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of pursed-lip breathing exercises on the frequency of attacks in patients with COPD. Methods : This was an analytical observational research with approach cross sectional, conducted in Installation of Medical Rehabilitation and Installation of Lung, Dr. Moewardi Hospital and BPKPM Surakarta. Subjects of research include the 2 groups. The control group was the moderate degree of COPD patients are, aged 60-75 year who had never received any type of chest physical therapy, and treatment group is the moderate degree of COPD patients are, aged 60-75 year who had to do pursed-lip breathing exercises for 1 year. Each group was asked to fill out questionnaires that have been provided, that containing about personal history, and the question about the symptoms of COPD attack arrives in the capture of the SGRQ. Results : The results showed that among the control group (with mean scores questionnaires 359.7 ± 75.53) and treatment group (with mean 270.47 ± 57.69) showed significant difference. Conclusion : The results of research showed that there was a significant influence of intervention pursed-lip breathing exercises to decrease attack frequency in COPD patients.