The Problems Faced By The Housekeeping Department Of Novotel Solo
Oleh :
Muhammad Abdul Malik - C9306133 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
The aims of this final project report are to present the importance of Housekeeping Department of Novotel Solo and to present the problems and solutions of the Housekeeping Department of Novotel Solo. Direct interview and library study are used to collect the data.
The activities during his job training are as follows: wearing the uniform, taking presence and briefing, preparing the guest supplies, cleaning the room, taking a break, returning the guest supplies to the Housekeeping Department, and finally preparing to go home.
The Housekeeping Department of Novotel Solo is one of hotel departments which has duties and responsibilities to maintain freshness, neatness, tidiness, and cleanness of hotel area.
During the job training period, the writer found several problems, such as most of the Housekeeping staffs cannot speak other languages than English, many staffs cannot speak English fluently, limited work time, limited numbers of the Housekeeping staffs, many staffs working out of procedure, lack of amenities supplies. The writer suggests holding language training programs, holding upgrading programs, adding more staff members, and controlling the amenities regularly.