Keterkaitan antara manajemen karir diri sendiri dan manajemen karir organisasi dengan hasil kerja karyawan PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Sragen
Oleh :
Alfannur Isnaini - F1207533 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this study was to determine linkage of the variable career self-management, organizational career management and the employees outcomes through organizational commitment, career success and promotion. In connection with the purpose of this study proposed the hypothesis H1: career self-management positively influence on organizational career management, H2: organizational career management positively influence on employee outcomes, H3: career self-management positively influence on employee outcomes, H4: organizational career management positively influence on employee outcomes with career self-management as a moderating variable.
The sampling technique using proportional random sampling method. Respondents in this study are employees of PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Sragen were 100 respondents.
From result of data analysis and hypothesis testing with confirmatory testing factor analysis (CFA) using SPSS 12.0 for windows was found that item questionnaire of career management questions yourself numbering only eight items 16 items a valid question, question item questionnaire that organizational career management totaling 10 all of them are valid questions, and question item questionnaire from a successful career three items amounted to only two items of valid questions. From the results of regression with SPSS 12.0 for windows, it is evident that the first hypothesis is not significant, hypothesis 2, hypothesis 3 and hypothesis 4 is partially affected.
From the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing with confirmatory factor test based on the results of these studies, career self management has no effect on organization career management due to each company’s policies resulted in career self management practices on an individual policy can not affect policy organization career management. Relationship career management on employee outcomes on the results of significant work can not be concluded in general. For Researchers are expected to further broaden future research by examining other factors that could affect the outcome of work and are able to explain the work as a whole. Intake of different organizational settings are also needed for the possibility that differences in findings.