
The Shifting Images Of Marlboro Advertisements From 1920s-1990s

Oleh :
Tri Setiyarini - C0306051 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

2011. Thesis. Faculty of Letters and Fines Arts. Sebelas Maret University. Marlboro as popular culture product can be used as media to understand American society. Therefore, Marlboro advertisements were chosen as the main object of this research. The research was conducted to describe the shifting images of Marlboro advertisements and to find out the factors influencing the shifting images of Marlboro advertisements from 1920s to 1990s in response to the American society. The research was conducted in American Studies framework using descriptive qualitative type of research. The purposive sampling technique was used to collect the source of data and the main data. The source of data of this research were eleven pictures of Marlboro advertisement from 1920s-1990s taken from three different internet website addresses; http://pmadarchive.com, http://tobaccodocuments.org, and http://marlborocigarettesblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/marlboro-cigarettes-ads.html. The main data of this research are images, gaze, gestures, colors, text, and all of the photographic elements in the advertisement. The research employed semiotics approach, socio-cultural approach and gender approach to answer the research questions. The research findings showed that the representative figures/models and the theme of Marlboro advertisements have shifted from 1920s to the 1962. Marlboro depicted different models