An analysis of translation of second-person address forms in the film entitled “the pacifier”
Oleh :
Dhani Fajar Nurcahyo - C0303022 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research was conducted to find out the translation variation of the use of the second-person address forms in the film “The Pacifier”, to identify translation strategies used by the subtitler in translating second-person address forms, and to know the effects of the strategies used by the subtitler to the quality of the translation, in terms of accuracy and acceptability. his research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data source of the research was the film “The Pacifier”, both the dialogue in the source language and its translation. The data in this research were second-person address forms found in the film “The Pacifier” dialogue, its translation and comments from raters. The result of the research shows that there are four classifications of second-person address forms in the film “The Pacifier”. They are second-person address forms in term of pronoun you, titles alone, kinship terms, and other expressions. From 354 data, 268 data (75.71%) are classified into second-person pronouns (in term of pronoun you), 16 data (4.52%) are classified into second-person address form in term of title alone, 4 data (1.13%) classified into kinship term, and 66 data (18.64%) are belong to other expressions. Thus, it can be seen that most data of second-person address form in the film “The Pacifier” are second-person address forms in term of pronoun you. They cover 75.71 % from all of the data. Meanwhile, there are four strategies used by the subtitler in translating second-person address forms in the film “The Pacifier”. Those strategies are, transference strategy, covers 4 data (1.13%), substitution strategy, covers 2 data (0.57%), deletion, covers 7 data (10.45%), and similar meaning, covers 311 data (87.85%). From the result, it can be concluded that the translation using similar meaning is the most common strategy used by the subtitler. The analysis of translation quality in term of accuracy shows that from 354 data, there are 252 data (71.19 %) considered being accurate, 33 data (9.32%) considered being less accurate and 69 data (19.49%) considered being inaccurate translation. The strategy used by the subtitler that produces the translation result with high level of accuracy is translation by using similar meaning strategy. There are 277 data that are translated by using this strategy. Among the 277 data, 249 data (89.89%) are considered to be accurate translation, 27 data (9.75%) are considered to be less accurate translation, and only 1 datum (0.36%) is considered to be inaccurate translation. The translation result with poor level of accuracy is translation by using substitution strategy. This strategy covers 2 data (0.56%) from the total data in this research. All of the data which is translated by using substitution strategy is considered to be inaccurate translation. In the case of acceptability, from 354 data, there are 296 data (83.62 %) considered to be acceptable, 46 data (12.99 %) considered being less acceptable and 12 data (3.39 %) considered to be unacceptable translation. The strategy used by the subtitler that produces translation result with high level of acceptability is translation by using substitution strategy. There are 2 data that are translated by using this strategy and all of them considered to be acceptable translation. Meanwhile, the most dominant strategy that produces the translation result with poor level of acceptability is the strategy by using transference strategy. This strategy covers 4 data (1.13%). There are, 2 data (50%) considered being acceptable and 2 data (50%) considered to be unacceptable translation. Dealing with the accuracy and the acceptability, the translation of second-person address forms in the film “The Pacifier” is less accurate (the mean of all data is 2.52) but acceptable (the mean of all data is 2.82).